How to Teach the Values of Decimal Places
Do your students understand decimal place value? Decimals are a new concept for most of our elementary math students. This can be a tricky concept for kids to grasp, but it’s an important one for them to understand as they continue to work with larger numbers in math. Understanding place
The Best Tips for Teaching Narrative Writing in Upper Elementary
Teaching writing can be overwhelming! Narrative writing is an important skill that can be difficult for upper elementary students to master. Storytelling comes naturally to some of our students, but some of our students find narrative writing and storytelling very difficult. But with the right strategies and a little creativity,
Teaching Interpreting Data and Graphing in Math & FREE Graphing Activities
I love teaching math! Teaching graphing and data analysis is no exception. The graphing in math lessons is so visual and hands on which always leads to student engagement. PLUS graphing is such an important skill in upper elementary! Interpreting data and graphing is a real life math skill students
7 Powerful Classroom Management Tips for Surviving Winter Holidays as a Teacher
The few weeks between Thanksgiving and Winter break are always CrAzY in elementary classrooms. Am I right?!? And as soon as the calendar flips to December, teachers know it’s next to impossible to get your students to focus in class! How can I keep my students learning during the winter
How to Help Your Students Solve Two Step Story Problems In Elementary Math
Two step story problems can be so tricky to master, but they are so important. In fact, they are honestly they are probably the most real world math problems your students will encounter in school. Now add in multiple steps and you’ve just created a kids worst nightmare! Many students
How To Teach Dialogue Punctuation in Writing
How to teach punctuating dialogue to students with examples and anchor charts! Simply explain the rules of dialogue and quotation marks to your students with a little help from this blog post!
encourage your students with classroom decor
Are your students needing a bit of encouragement? These positive affirmations may be just what you need. Simply print and laminate them for long term classroom use.